Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

By Road and Air Only

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes You can ship Internationally

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

It will take 7-12 Working days to Get Your Package


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Cash: Credit and debit cards: UPI (Unified Payments Interface): Mobile wallets: NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer): RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement): A good option for transferring more than 2 lacs IMPS (Immediate Payment Service): Amazon Pay: RuPay

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Yes it is all Transperent Method

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

To cancel orders before they are shipped Go to 'Your Orders' Select the item you want to cancel and click 'Cancel items'. Provide reasons for cancellation (optional) and proceed. To cancel orders that are already shipped Go to 'Your Orders' Select the 'Request Cancellation' option and proceed The items will be returned to TradeMaart for a refund (if the payment is already made)

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

To cancel orders before they are shipped Go to 'Your Orders' Select the item you want to cancel and click 'Cancel items'. Provide reasons for cancellation (optional) and proceed. To cancel orders that are already shipped Go to 'Your Orders' Select the 'Request Cancellation' option and proceed The items will be returned to TradeMaart for a refund (if the payment is already made)

Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes You need to use your order id or username and password

How Do I Track My Order?

By using your Order Id you can track your Shipment

How Can I Return a Product?

Return pick-up is available for eligible pick-up addresses and items, provided there are no shipping restrictions. Products can only be returned within their return window. Refer to TrradeMaart Returns Policy to learn more about return window In case pick-up is not available, self-ship option will be automatically selected. Read the section below on Self-Ship Guidelines for more details. A refund will be issued to your original payment method, in accordance with TradeMaart refund policy. To ensure a successful Return Pick-up: Return the item and all accessories in original condition with brand/manufacturer box Keep the MRP tag intact Return the user manual, warranty card and all other documents provided with the item
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